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The Summer of the guitar!
Reserve your seat: +39 (0) 335. 5255988

All the concerts are free entrance...


1 July -Monday


Music by W.A.Mozart, E.Grieg, A.Piazzolla, E.Morricone

Fermo - Chiesa di S. Filippo - 21.30

8 July -Monday

DUO MASINI-COSTANTINO "Traveling between Europe and South America" - (ITALY)

Roberto Masini - guitar

Simoina Costantino - guitar

Music by  G.Puccini, P.Bellinati, M.Gangi, A.Piazzolla

Porto San Giorgio (FM) - Rocca Tiepolo - 21.30


12 July - Friday

AMICO FRAGILE - Tribute to F. De Andrè Orchestra

Stefano Almonte Lalli - Voice

Rachele Morelli – Voice

Stefano Dovleche – Drums

Paolo Partenza – Percussions

Giorgio Coccia – Bass Guitar

Emanuele Ercoli – Guitar

Roberto Tascini – Guitar

David Cintio – flutes

Roberto Rocchetti – Violin

Fabio Interlenghi – Keyboards

Daniele Cococcioni – Accordion

Campofilone (FM) - Orto abbaziale - 21.30

13 July - Saturday

DUO GOUIZI-SENECA  -  “Mediterraneo battente” - (ALGERIA-ITALY)

Anissa Gouizi - Voice, percussions

Giovanni Seneca - Classical and battente guitar

mediterranean classical and folk music

Fermo (FM) - centro storico - 19.30 *

15 July - Monday

SASA DEJANOviC - "The oriental guitar composer" - (CROATIA)

Classical Guitar

Musiche by  J.S.Bach, F.Sor, E.Granados, I.Albeniz, F.Tarrega

Fermo (FM) - Chiostro dei Carmelitani - 21.30

22 July - Monday

DENIS BIZGHA-  “Fantasty for guitar”(ALBANIA)

Classical Guitar

Porto S.Giorgio (FM) - Rocca Tiepolo - 21.30

22 August - Thursday

LUCA LAMPIS  "Reflections between Bach and contemporary-baroque and free improvisation" - (ITALY)

Classical Guitar

Music by J.S.Bach, D.Buxtehude

San Ginesio (MC) - Complesso monumentale dei Santi Tommaso e Barnaba- 21.30


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Born from an idea of ​​Maestro Roberto Tascini and Maestro Silvio Catalini, the orchestra brings together the talented guitarists of the brands. The project was born from the idea of ​​pairing the most promising young guitarists with well-known concert performers, thus creating an ensemble that has both artistic and educational value, with the aim of promoting the diffusion of guitar music while also creating a meeting point between the different generations, between the different styles, between the different geographical areas of our region.

Roberto and Simona, after their first musical studies begun in Massa with Maestro Davide Sacchetti, continued their training first with Maestro E.Becherucci and then with Maestro F.Cucchi at the Istituto Musicale Pareggiato "P.Mascagni" in Livorno where they finished their academic studies; they perfected themselves with the most significant masters of the guitar: Betho Davezac, Leo Brouwer and Oscar Ghiglia at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena where they obtained the Diploma of Merit reserved for the best students as a guitar duo. The duo, formed in 1988, is often invited to perform at the most important festivals and guitar events throughout Italy and abroad 
Their passion for Astor Piazzolla and for the music of South America leads them to transcribe for two guitars numerous pages of compositions created for different instrumental ensembles, creating an original repertoire for guitar duo. Their transcriptions and performances of the music of the famous Argentine composer have received much acclaim and praise from South American musicians including Raul Maldonado.
IThey play two instruments by the Florentine luthier Andrea Tacchi with Dogal strings.
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The evocative world of F.De Andrè in his best arrangements also in collaboration with PFM, brought to life by exceptional instrumentalists in a performance full of significant and representative pieces of the great artist.

Music and songs inspired by the different cultures of the Mediterranean and the dialogue between peoples. In the original compositions and arrangements presented we find references and quotations that come from different geographical and musical areas. The musical journey in the Mediterranean starts from the sounds of southern Italy and passing through the Balkans, Greece, Turkey and the Maghreb, reaches Spain. There
versatile voice of the Italian-Algerian singer Anissa and the percussions blend with the strings interpreting some traditional songs rearranged for this duo.
Giovanni Seneca vocals, classical and battente guitar compositions and arrangements Anissa Gouizi vocals, percussion

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Like many other great musicians, Dejanović began studying his instrument – ​​the classical guitar – as a child. Today, at fifty years old, he performs as a soloist in prestigious concert halls around the world such as the Philharmonie in Cologne, the Jean Renoir Hall in Paris and many others, as well as in important international festivals, achieving great success with the public and criticism. He has been defined by the Spanish press as an excellent interpreter, and by the French press as an exceptional guitarist, a worthy heir to Segovia and Yepes. He has numerous recordings to his credit including his latest CD “Senderos” released in 2017 in Zagreb (Croatia). He currently lives and works in Vrsar (Croatia-Adriatic Sea), where he directs the Guitar Festival “The Sea & Guitars”.

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He graduated from the national music school “Jordan Misja” in Tirana for
classical guitar. He completed secondary studies in classical guitar at the University of Arts
in Tirana. He followed a postgraduate course in the refinement of musical performance
from the Academy of Music in Umbria, organized in collaboration with the University of
the Arts. He has held guitar concerts as a soloist and in chamber music, in various venues
and festivals. He was a guest of the International Guitar Festival in Berlin. He has held
concerts as a soloist at the Solarino International Guitar Festival, Ronda Guitar Festival,
Rust International Guitar Festival, Carpi Guitar Days, Berat Multicultural Festival, MIK
Festival, VOX Baroque Festival, etc. He participated in the jury of the International Guitar
Festival in Transylvania, the Guitar Competition in Nizhny Novgorod, etc. He is currently
a classical guitar teacher at the artistic school “Jordan Misja”. Classical guitar teacher,
European University of Tirana. He worked as an external lecturer at the University of Arts
and the European University of Tirana. He holds the degree of doctor of sciences from the
University of Tirana. He is the organizer and artistic director of “Albania Guitar Festival” and
“Tirana Guitar Days”. He is the head of the Synery project for Albania, supported by the
Creative Europe program of the European Union.



Luca Lampis graduated in classical guitar from the Ferrara Conservatory where he also obtained the Level II Academic Diploma with 110 honours.
He further specialized at the Royal Birmingham Conservatory and at the historic summer course in Santiago de Compostela.
He holds concerts in Europe and the United States such as at the Latin American Guitar Festival in Chicago. He composes soundtracks for films, theater, his progressive group Nefesh and other projects.
Classical and modern guitar teacher
at the Musical High School of Ancona.

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